“She’s a cheerful girl with plenty of energy!”

💚 Kiku gets so excited when we open a tin of her favourite plant-based food.
💚 She never used to eat an entire meal in one go until we introduced it into her diet.
💚 Now, she does a little happy dance when we’re preparing it and gets excited when she hears the word ‘breakfast’.
💚 She will even stand still for her skin medicine nowadays because she knows she’ll get a yummy breakfast afterwards.
She’s a cheerful girl with plenty of energy!

💚 Thank you for teaching us so much about Plant-Based Dog Nutrition 🤍
Hope and Kiku 🐾

Vegan dog Kiku
Dogs go Plant-based
The results have been AMAZING!

The results have been AMAZING!

I started my dog, Cash, on a plant based diet 5 months ago, and the results have been amazing! He is an elderly dog with arthritic hips.