“When I came across Arielle’s ‘Plant Based Nutrition Masterclass’ I knew instantly that this was exactly what I’ve been seeking.

πŸ’š I have been a vegan for 5 years or so, but until very recently I thought that dogs needed meat in their diet.

The journey through feeding my 3 year old Chocolate Labrador, Beau, meat based meals is a story of the past.

Plant-based Labrador Beau

πŸ’š I realised through Arielle’s teaching that I feel much more motivated to learn about Nutritional Science for Beau’s wellbeing, than if I were to learn it to master my own vegan diet! Arielle makes this learning a joy.

πŸ’š Her teaching is warm and deeply compassionate. She generously shares a wealth of nutritional and veterinary knowledge, and advice from her own experience, in a way I (a non-academic) can understand and implement in Beau’s life, in manageable steps. I am really grateful for the recipes that Arielle suggests. This has meant that I could start transitioning Beau to a plant based diet immediately.

πŸ’š I have now been batch cooking these for Beau, for over a week. He is very curious about what I’m doing in the kitchen and I know that he knows it’s all for him!!Β  Also, he wags his tail as I dish up his meals – something I have never seen him do before. He is approx. 4 kilos overweight, he also has dermatitis, reoccurring ear infections and various food allergies.

πŸ’š After one week I can see he is already looking more slender. I feel positive that continuing home cooking these delicious recipes will improve Beau’s health overall.

πŸ’š My Vet is totally on board with the diet change too and is aware of Arielle’s work, which is a wonderful outcome. I truly feel that enrolling on her Course is the best education investment that I have ever made. It is excellent value for money.”
Sara and Beau 🐾

Dogs go Plant-based
The results have been AMAZING!

The results have been AMAZING!

I started my dog, Cash, on a plant based diet 5 months ago, and the results have been amazing! He is an elderly dog with arthritic hips.

Nancy’s Calcium levels were worryingly low!

Nancy’s Calcium levels were worryingly low!

If you are not using a commercially prepared complete vegan dog food, with a formal analysis that you can check for nutritional completeness, be very careful that you are meeting a dog’s nutritional requirements